
Shavasana - Powerful Stress Reduction Tool

3 min read
Shavasana - Powerful Stress Reduction Tool

Shavasana, also known as Corpse Pose, is a fundamental yoga posture known for its deep relaxation benefits. Along with controlled breathing (PRANAYAMA) it is a remedy against nervousness and tension.

In this posture practitioners lie face up on the floor, facing north or east, hands by their sides with palms facing upwards, legs slightly apart and lower back as close to the floor as possible. The body becomes soft and heavy, in a state of complete stillness, similar to that of a corpse (hence the name), breathing is reduced and the state of inner peace gradually appears.

Practitioners systematically relax every part of the body, starting from the toes and progressing to the top of the head. Focusing the mind for a few seconds on each muscle together with the mental suggestion of relaxation, leads to the feeling of disappearance of the body contour, a state of floating, mental freedom, a deep feeling of calm and tranquility, sensory withdrawal, state of introspection appears, we experience a sensation of dilated consciousness.

We focus our attention on the left foot: we start with the fingers, disconnect all the muscle groups. We compare the relaxed left leg with the not yet relaxed right leg. Similarly relax the right leg, then the left hand and the right hand. Next we relax in turn the muscles of the buttocks, pelvis, abdomen, solar plexus, shoulder, back, and chest muscles, neck, chin, cheeks, tongue, eyeballs, forehead, whole face.

An integral part of the Shavasana experience is the cultivation of natural, unforced breathing. Practitioners observe spontaneous inhalations and exhalations, allowing the breath to follow its natural rhythm, thus contributing to the overall feeling of relaxation.

The purpose of Shavasana is to bring about a deep state of relaxation, allowing both body and mind to release tension and stress.

The benefits of the persistent practice of Shavsana include:

  • stress reduction,
  • improved sleep,
  • emotional well-being,
  • relief of stress and anxiety,
  • is a key element in the regeneration process,
  • improves mental clarity and concentration,
  • energy recovery,
  • opens access to our own inner world,
  • deep energization of nerve cells,
  • lowers blood pressure,
  • it is particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing burnout or exhaustion,
  • reducing physical fatigue and general relaxation,
  • complete disconnection of all muscles.

Shavasana is a powerful stress reduction tool, promoting a release of accumulated tension in both body and mind. Relaxation is the ultimate technique in any yoga practice session, providing a valuable opportunity for integration and reflection. Despite its apparent simplicity, mastering Shavasana requires a deep level of surrender, making it both a challenging and rewarding posture.

All in all, Shavasana serves as a holistic reset button, allowing the benefits of yoga practice to settle in and integrate. It is a sacred moment of stillness, self-awareness and rejuvenation - a testament to the transformative power of yoga beyond the physical realm.